Signed in as:
Signed in as:
The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Guild and shall preside at all general, special and Board meetings. The President shall be the official spokesperson for the Guild and shall have the authority to sign contracts on behalf of the Guild. The President shall instruct the secretary regarding the issuance of notices, minutes, and general correspondence. The President shall appoint all committee chairs and have the power to create committees or subcommittees as needed.
The Vice President currently oversees Badge Program and Quilting Bee Groups. The Vice President shall serve as Parliamentarian with responsibility to see that the rules set forth in the by-laws are followed. The Vice President shall serve as executive sponsor to the Philanthropy committee.
The Secretary shall keep records of minutes including all motions made and carried at each general, special, and Board meetings and shall take care of general correspondence. The Secretary shall serve as executive sponsor to the Hospitality & Snacks committee.
The Vice-President for Member Coordination will oversee maintenance of membership records. This person will update the national Modern Quilt Guild as well as Facebook and our internal Member Roster with all pertinent information regarding membership. The Member Coordinator will monitor the guild’s email and will respond to membership inquiries or will direct such inquiries to another appropriate Executive Board member. The Member Coordinator will also be responsible for greeting visitors at the meeting and keeping records of attendance at meetings. The Vice President for Member Coordination shall serve as executive sponsor to the Welcome committee.
The Vice-President for Community Outreach will be responsible for all of the Guild’s social media presence. They will be responsible for maintaining the guild’s website and social media networking accounts, including but not limited to Blog posts, Instagram, and Public Facebook accounts. The Vice President for Community Outreach will have approval of all Blog posts prior to their publication. The Vice President for Community Outreach will also keep a record of Guild events by appointing an official photographer. These photographs will be uploaded to the Guild’s Private Facebook group and will be available for use on all social media accounts. The Vice President for Community Outreach shall serve as executive sponsor to the Technology committee.
The Vice-President for Guild Involvement will oversee the following activities. They will oversee any Challenges or Swaps handed out at monthly meetings. They will be responsible for the coordination of the Guild’s Speakers Series and shall coordinate guild speakers/lecturers/ and workshops with prior approval of the Executive Committee. The Vice President for Guild Involvement shall serve as executive sponsor to the Shows & Special Installations committee and the Outside Events committee.
The Treasurer shall have the care and custody of the Guild’s funds. The Treasurer will prepare the proposed budget for the upcoming fiscal year and shall present it at the February annual meeting. Before the close of each fiscal year, the Treasurer shall prepare for books for audit.
This committee shall coordinate all Guild sponsored Philanthropic causes. Any ideas for Guild philanthropy will go to the committee for approval and oversight. The committee shall nominate a head of each project to spearhead and provide updates as necessary. This committee will also make suggestions to the Executive Board for use of the Sunshine Fund.
This committee will be responsible for the judging and installation of the Guild Displays at any outside Show and/or event that the Executive Board approves including, but not limited to the Pennsylvania National Quilt Extravaganza. This committee is responsible for publishing and updating the jurying criteria as needed.
This committee shall coordinate all Guild retreats and the annual guild picnic.
This committee shall coordinate donations for snacks at events and meetings and coordinate the annual potluck.
This committee assists the V.P. of Member Coordination in welcoming new members and serving as a resource to new members to assist them in engaging with the guild.
This committee assists the V.P. for Community Outreach in writing blog posts, taking photographs and assisting with social media accounts as directed by the V.P. of Community Outreach.